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Agricultural Activities
Initiative on Soaring Food Prices ISFP
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A woman farmer holding rice seedlings ready for transplantation into a prepared rice paddy where they will remain until harvest, some 120 to 130 days later.
Women taking a break from transplanting rice seedlings from a nursery to a prepared rice paddy where they will remain until harvest, some 120 to 130 days later.
Farmers removing seedlings from a nursery to be transplanted into an operating rice paddy until harvest.
A farmer woman drying rice in the sun outside her house in Ahero.
A farmer transplanting rice seedlings (in bucket) from a nursery to a prepared rice paddy where they will remain until harvest, some 120 to 130 days later.
A farmer transplanting rice seedlings from a nursery to a prepared rice paddy where they will remain until harvest, some 120 to 130 days later.
Women transplanting rice seedlings from a nursery to a prepared rice paddy where they will grow for 120 to 130 days, until harvest.
A bucket of rice seedlings from a nursery for transplantation into a prepared rice paddy where they will remain until harvest, some 120 to 130 days later.
A farmer preparing the land, using an ox-plough, for the transplantation of rice seedlings from a nursery.
Left, a woman rice farmer and right, a young woman who sells tea and mandazis (a Kenyan pastry) to rice mill workers, enjoying a break from work in the private rice mill in Ahero.
A mother and widow sitting in her home. After the death of her husband, her brothers-in-law helped her gain the rights to keep the 8 acres of rice fields her husband left and continues to cultivate th
A mother and widow sitting in her home. After the death of her husband, her brothers-in-law helped her gain the rights to keep the 8 acres of rice fields her husband left and continues to cultivate th
Left, a young woman who sells tea and mandazis (a Kenyan pastry) to rice mill workers and right, a woman farmer who has been selling and trading rice for 20 years, enjoying a break from work in the pr
Left, two female rice farmers and right, a young woman who sells tea and mandazis (a Kenyan pastry) to rice mill workers, enjoying a break from work in the private rice mill in Ahero.
A farmer removing seedlings from a nursery to be transplanted into an operating rice paddy until harvest.
Farmers removing seedlings from a nursery to be transplanted into an operating rice paddy.
A double handful of rice in a storage facility in Ahero.
A rice field, ready for harvest within a few months.
Farmers removing seedlings from a nursery to be transplanted into an operating rice paddy.
Farmers removing seedlings from a nursery to be transplanted into an operating rice paddy until harvest.
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A woman farmer washing her hands in an irrigation canal in the rice fields before joining the others for a lunch break.
TCP/KEN/3201 - Input supply to vulnerable populations under the ISFP. At the height of the 2008 food price crisis, FAO, through its Initiative on Soaring Food Prices (ISFP), launched a series of one-year input supply projects to help vulnerable farmers grow more food and earn more money. In Kenya, where civil unrest, drought and high food, fuel and input prices have left poor families even more vulnerable, this assistance has given one community hope for a better future. An earlier FAO investment of two new water pumps helped to revive the Ahero Irrigation Scheme, which had collapsed in the late 90s. To reverse the scheme's low output, FAO, in September 2008, worked closely with Kenya's National Irrigation Board (NIB), the Agriculture Finance Cooperation (AFC) and the Rural Environmental Care for Africa (RECA) to provide 540 farming families with high-yielding rice seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and technical assistance. They helped the farmers to organise into smaller groups and connected them to service providers including banks and equipment rental. Thanks to a robust local and regional market for rice, bigger yields from this last harvest meant bigger profits. Local traders bought more than half of what was produced in Ahero, while others came from elsewhere in Kenya and from nearby countries. The World Food Programme (WFP) bought about 40 metric tonnes, which they distributed to drought-affected communities in Kenya's Rift Valley. It was the WFP's first purchase in Kenya under the newly launched "Purchase for Progress" (P4P) - an initiative to link low-income farmers with markets. At a time when Kenyans throughout the country are being made more vulnerable by drought and other shocks, the need for greater investments in agriculture is all the more pressing.
© FAO/Sarah Elliott
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