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Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
NICARAGUA (date unknown). Nicaragua. FAO Project UTF/Nic/028/
NICARAGUA (date unknown). Nicaragua. FAO Project UTF/Nic/028/
NICARAGUA (date unknown). Nicaragua. FAO Project UTF/Nic/028/
NICARAGUA (date unknown). Nicaragua. FAO Project UTF/Nic/028/
NICARAGUA (date unknown). Nicaragua. FAO Project UTF/Nic/028/
NICARAGUA (date unknown). Nicaragua. FAO Project UTF/Nic/028/
NICARAGUA (date unknown). Nicaragua. FAO Project UTF/Nic/028/
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Fire protection measure, Nicaragua
Nicaragua - The project provides equipment, training and pay for fire protection brigades.
In these photos we see one such brigade clearing brush for fire protection and
also to give trees room to grow. The project funds the planting of more than
17 varieties of fruit and wood bearing trees to help supplement the food and
income of the beneficiaries.

FAO Project UTF/Nic/028/Nic
Rehabilitation of four micro water basins (microcuencas) affected by Hurricane Mitch in the municipalities of Posoltega, Quezalguaque and Telica in northwestern Nicaragua.
The purpose of the project is twofold: to mitigate the damages inflicted by Hurricane Mitch on the natural resources and environment of the project areas and to contribute to improving the incomes of the beneficiaries as well as improving their food security.
The project envisions rational micro water basin management with the participation of local governments, institutions of state, NGO's and local producers in an organized form that will be economically sustainable.
The object of the project is to contribute directly to the easing of the situation of social and environmental risk of 400 families considered most affected by Hurricane Mitch and to reduce the future environmental vulnerability of the four micro water basins.
The project provides employment to the project beneficiaries and consists of various components. They include reforestation, rehabilitation of land, protection from wild fires, soil conservation, forest industry production and road improvement.
The photos submitted were all taken in Micro Water Basin Number IV that is in the Municipality of Quezalguaque. Basin IV contains 100 of the 400 project families.
The project area as a whole was severely affected by mudslides from the Casita Volcano that left 1 600 people dead. Micro Water Basin IV was severely affected by volcanic rock and gravel which was washed down from the Telica Volcano.
© FAO/Lou Dematteis
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.