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Conceptually similar
INDIA 1962. FAO expanded nutrition project
INDIA 1968. Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute
INDIA 1968. Gathering hay for livestock
THAILAND 1969. Poultry vaccination training
INDIA 1965. The Central Sheep and Wool Institute
INDIA 1969. Mechanization of Fishing Craft
INDIA 1959. Milk distribution under UNICEF scheme
INDIA 1969. Mechanization of fishing craft
THAILAND 1969. FAO assignment, Thailand
INDIA 1953. FAO seminar
INDIA 1967. Supply of fresh piped or well water
INDIA 1951. Harvesting rice
INDIA Date unknown. Bombay City Social Education Centre
INDIA 1969. UNDP Deep-sea Fishing Operations
INDIA 1969. Soil survey and soil and water management research and demonstration
AFGHANISTAN 1969. Animal husbandry
INDIA 1987. Mariculture research and production
AFGHANISTAN 1969. Training and demonstration in animal health and animal husbandry
AFGHANISTAN 1969. Training and demonstration in animal health and animal husbandry
AFGHANISTAN 1952. Two farmers
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INDIA 1962. FAO Expanded Nutrition Project in Orissa
January 1962. Orissa, India. A village project worker candling an egg.
©FAO/F.L. Cyprien
UNFAO Source
FAO Photo Library
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Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given. For further information contact:
Background Information
The object of this project is to ensure that the "vulnerable" categories of the population (expectant and nursing mothers, and children) have properly balanced diets. The project includes production at village level of fish, eggs and vegetables and instruction in the preparation of suitable meals.