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IRAN 1970. Pilot village rural development
IRAN 1966. Teaching outdoors
IRAN 1966. Literacy Corps
UGANDA 1970. Agricultural mechanization
NIGER 1983. Agricultural Development
BURKINA FASO 1970. Land reclamation projects
IRAN 1969. Pilot village rural development
Erosion resulting in the silting up of waterways and dams
NIGER 1983. Agricultural development
BANGLADESH 1976. Relief works for land and water development
CÔTE D’IVOIRE. 1970. Survey and development of pelagic fish resources
REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1970. Coastal Fishing Training Centre
ZAMBIA 1970. Central Fisheries Research Institute
INDIA 1965. The Central Sheep and Wool Institute
BURKINA FASO 1970. Seeds and equipment for vegetable gardens for rural education centres
BRAZIL 1970. Mogiana agricultural diversification scheme
INDIA 1967. Supply of fresh piped or well water
LESOTHO 1966. FAO assignment
REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1968. Flood control
REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1968. Flood control
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IRAN 1970. Pilot experiment in rural development
1970 (exact date unknown). District of Kharagan, Iran. Repairing and renewing an old irrigation dam which had seriously deteriorated near the village of Yengi Kand.
© FAO/J. Krosschell
UNFAO Source
FAO Photo Library
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1.07 MB
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.
Background Information
The village of Dusadj was destroyed by an earthquake in 1962. During the course of reconstruction, by volunteers of a European working group and students from Teheran University, enquiries were made into the socio-economic situation of the village. On the basis of these enquiries, Dusadj and three neighbouring villagers were chosen for a pilot experiment in rural development which, if successful, could be later applied to some 60 villages in the region. The project area is in the district of Kharagan, 170 Kms south-west of Teheran, and is financed by Trust Funds amounting to approximately $147.000 provided by FAO/Freedom from Hunger Campaign plus a Government contribution of approximately $165.000.
Repairing and renewing an old irrigation dam which had seriously deteriorated near the village of Yengi Kand. The villagers requested FFHC financial assistance, technical advice from the government and FAO. The new dam will give the people security and happiness for many years to come.