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COSTA RICA 2008. Collecting germplasm in-vitro
Seeds of cowpea
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) pods
Banana plant in field genebank
A field genebank of yam
A field genebank of temperate fruits
Costa Rica, 2015. Food inspections and related processes
Costa Rica. National Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Costa Rica. Fresh produce on sale
Costa Rica. National Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Costa Rica. National Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Costa Rica, 2015. Fruit and vegetables and farmers fair
Costa Rica, 2015. Fruit and vegetables and farmers fair
Costa Rica. Fresh produce on sale
Costa Rica. Fresh produce on sale
Costa Rica. Fresh produce on sale
Costa Rica, 2015. Fruit and vegetables and farmers fair
Costa Rica, 2015. Fruit and vegetables and farmers fair
Costa Rica, 2015. Fruit and vegetables and farmers fair
Costa Rica, 2015. Fruit and vegetables and farmers fair
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Students at CATIE learning how to collect germplasm in-vitro.
Students at CATIE learning how to collect germplasm in-vitro. Material spread out on table consists of cocoa (Theobroma cacao), coffee (Coffea sp.) and banana (Musa sp.). Collected material must be subjected to appropriate phytosanitary procedures to avoi - - The Role of Biotechnology in the Conservation & Sustainable Util. Environmental conservation, the conservation of the Earth's biodiversity and the often
conflicting demands of agricultural development present challenges to all of the players in the conservation movement.
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© FAO/Lyndsey Withers
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.