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Small-scale fisheries post-harvest trainings: Women processing fish as a business
Small-scale fisheries post-harvest trainings: Drying fish on raised racks
Small-scale fisheries post-harvest trainings: Women join forces to smoke fish
Small-scale fisheries post-harvest trainings: Using perforated jerry cans to improve fish quality
Short version: Cabo Verde, a Small Island Developing State boosts its resilience to climate change with the support of South-South Cooperation
Version courte: Cabo Verde renforce sa résilience face au changement climatique grâce à la coopération Sud-Sud
Drought within an ocean – Celestina’s story
Cabo Verde, a Small Island Developing State, boosts its resilience to climate change with the support of South-South Cooperation
Version corta: Cabo Verde, un pequeño Estado insular en desarrollo, potencia su resiliencia ante el cambio climático gracias a la cooperación Sur-Sur
Cabo Verde renforce sa résilience face au changement climatique grâce à la coopération Sud-Sud
كابو فيردي، دولة جزرية صغيرة نامية تعمل على تعزيز قدرتها على الصمود في وجه تغيّر المناخ بدعم من مشروع التعاون في ما بين بلدان الجنوب
Small-scale fisheries post-harvest trainings: Making fish and shrimp powder
Cabo Verde, um pequeno Estado insular em desenvolvimento aumenta a sua resiliência às alterações climáticas com o apoio da Cooperação Sul-Sul
Малое островное развивающееся государство Кабо-Верде повышает невосприимчивость к изменению климата благодаря помощи по линии сотрудничества Юг – Юг
Cabo Verde, un pequeño Estado insular en desarrollo, potencia su resiliencia ante el cambio climático gracias a la cooperación Sur-Sur
GHANA 2024. Chef Binta's story: An Ancient Grain for a better and sustainable future
Small-scale fisheries post-harvest trainings: Supporting coastal communities – the Case of Mina Fajar Sidik Cooperative | with subtitles
GHANA 2024. Chef Binta's story: An Ancient Grain for a better and sustainable future
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Transforming Uganda's agriculture through FAO-China South-South Cooperation
30.01.2025. The aim of the FAO-China-Uganda South-South Cooperation (SSC) project is to increase the productivity of Ugandan farmers and help them produce more with less by providing them with training, technology and technical assistance across a wide range of areas, from crop production and animal husbandry to aquaculture and sericulture. The project is also designed to help farmers bring their products to market through value chain development and post-harvest handling.
This SSC project is now the longest-running project under the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme, with China loaning a total of 56 agricultural experts to Uganda since 2012.
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FAO Video 2023 / 2024 / 2025
FAO Field Projects
By Country - FAO Field Projects
20250130 FAO-China South-South Cooperation
Transforming Uganda's agriculture through FAO-China South-South Cooperation
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