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Social Cash Transfer
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MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
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MALAWI 2013. From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development
23 May 2013, Mchinji, Malawi- Petro Kalimazondo, a beneficiary of the Social Cash Transfer Programme from Mzingo Village receiving cash transfers from one of the Social Cash Transfer team members during a cash transfer ceremony at Kanyindula Primary School at Kanyindula Village.
FAO Project: MTF /RAF/464/UK - From Protection to Production: The Role of Social Cash Transfers in Fostering Broad-Based Economic Development. Evaluation of social cash transfers in 7 sub-Saharan countries and insights on how social protection interventions can contribute to sustainable poverty reduction and economic growth. FAO has a 3-year agreement with the research programme at DFID״he From Protection to Production Project (PtoP)״o study the impact of cash transfer programmes on household economic decision making and the local economy. This research project seeks to understand the potential productive and economic impacts of cash transfers on the rural poor in Sub Saharan Africa. It aims to provide insights on how social protection interventions can contribute to sustainable poverty reduction and economic growth at household and community-levels.
© FAO/Amos Gumulira
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.