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COLOMBIA 1972. Nutrition Education and Supplementary Feeding of Vulnerable Groups
COLOMBIA 1980. Rehabilitation of small farmers through integrated rural development
BRAZIL 1968. School Feeding in the Sao Francisco Valley
COLOMBIA 1980. Rehabilitation of small farmers through integrated rural development
GUATEMALA 1976. Guatemala earthquake aftermath
THE NETHERLANDS 1972. Training on radio and television
ECUADOR 1966. Colonization project on two experimental farms in the Andes
CHILE 1968. Wold Food Programme assists community development
PERU 1958. Census Training Centre for Latin America
ECUADOR 1968. Forestry Training Centre
NICARAGUA 1964. Banana plantation
ECUADOR 1968. Forestry training
NICARAGUA 1964. Banana plantation
PERU 1985. Community forestry and afforestation
FAO project UNJP/GUA/027/UNJ - Joint Programme Comprehensive rural development (Ixil) Title: Joint Program 'Ixil Integral Rural Development'
BRAZIL 1970. Mogiana Agricultural Diversification Scheme
CEYLON 1953 (SRI LANKA from 1972). Live-bait bonito fishermen standing on an outrigger canoe
GUATEMALA 1976. Guatemala earthquake aftermath
CEYLON 1952 (SRI LANKA from 1972). Inspecting a rye field
PERU 1963. Support to Indians of Andean mountains
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GUATEMALA 1972. Training for rural development
December 1972. Guatemala. Part of the storeroom at the Technical Institute for Agriculture where WFP basic rations are kept. They are used in the preparation of meals for the student boarders.
©Peyton Johnson
UNFAO Source
FAO Photo Library
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991.42 KB
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.
Background Information
The main purpose of the UN/FAO World Food Programme (WFP) project is the feeding of students at the Technical Institute for Agriculture, some 25 miles south of Guatemala City. The Institute offers both general and specialized courses in various aspects of agricultural training and it also maintains an experimental livestock farm. Tuition, food and lodging are free for an annual average of 524 students, most of whom come from very poor families from all over the country. Following their training at the Institute, the students return to their homes where they assist in the introduction of improved agricultural methods. WFP rations, including cheese, wheat flour, bulgur wheat, dried skim milk, edible oil and sorghum are being supplied over a period of five years at a total cost to WFP of $263,000.