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INDIA 1969. Mechanization of fishing craft
NEPAL 1968. WFP and FAO support families on the settlements
THAILAND 1969. FAO assignment, Thailand
AFGHANISTAN 1969. Training and demonstration in animal health and animal husbandry
INDIA 1969. Soil survey and soil and water management research and demonstration
AFGHANISTAN 1969. Breeding selection process
SENEGAL 1969. Fishing Technology
SENEGAL 1969. Fishing Technology
AFGHANISTAN 1969. Training and demonstration in animal health and animal husbandry
GHANA 1969. Volta River land clearance and settlement
GHANA 1969. Akosombo Dam on the Volta River
IRAQ 1969. Development of rural youth work
INDONESIA 1951. Fishing carp fry
NEPAL 1981. Watershed management, and communal forestry development
INDIA 1969. UNDP Deep-sea Fishing Operations
INDONESIA 1955. Examining carp harvest at a private farm
THAILAND 1953. Showcasing Tilapia fish characteristics at Bangkhen Experiment station
NEPAL 1964. Rinderpest vaccination campaign
INDIA 1969. Mechanization of Fishing Craft
BURMA 1957. Grain storage building program
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NEPAL 1969. Inland fisheries development through establishment of fish farms
1969 (exact date unknown). Nepal. Fish ponds at Bhandara are excavated by hand. To ensure that the pond base will be level (essential for draining) the excavated earth, before removal, is spaced in mounds of uniform size.
©FAO/E. Voynarovich
UNFAO Source
FAO Photo Library
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735.78 KB
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.
Background Information
In 1965, the Government established an Agricultural 5-year Plan with top priority given to Fisheries development. Due to the scarcity of meat and because of certain religious restrictions, the people's diet lacks animal protein. Fish, on the other hand, is generally accepted and liked. The Government asked FAO for technical assistance in developing and expanding existing fish culture facilities and, through demonstrations, to encourage villages and individuals to construct and operate fish ponds. Two Government commercial fish farms were established; the first at Pipley Hetsura, on the Terai plain, the second at Bhandara Hardi, on the Rapti plain. Workers on the UNDP sponsored project received food aid through the UN/FAO World Food Programme.