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A child transporting water from a well in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Daily life scenes in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Daily life scenes in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Daily life scenes in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Cassava is ground into flour by workers in a mill in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Cassava is ground into flour by workers in a mill in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Cassva is ground into flour at a mill in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
A woman pounding cassava leaves in her home in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Workers grinding cassava into flour in a mill in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
A woman pounding cassava leaves in her home in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
A woman pounding cassava leaves in her home in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Farmers bring cassava to a mill for grinding into flour, Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Workers processing cassava crop in mill where it is ground into flour in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Farmers bring cassava to be ground into flour at a mill in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
A panoramic view of the community vegetable garden in Lubumbashi.
A panoramic view of the community vegetable garden in Lubumbashi.
A man transporting a heavy load of cabbages on his bicycle in Kamilombe, 20km outside of Lubumbashi.
A panoramic view of the community vegetable garden in Lubumbashi.
A man transporting a heavy load of cabbages on his bicycle crossing a bridge near Kamilombe, 20km outside of Lubumbashi.
A general view of the Quartier Pande Market and the street vendors in Lubumbashi.
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A panoramic view of a villager transporting goods by bicycle on the local road in Kalemie, Katanga Region.
Support project for the development of urban and peri-urban horticulture
development (Phase I and Phase II) - GCP/DRC/028/BEL. The objectives of the
project are: strengthening the production base through the intensification,
diversification and expansion of horticultural production; development of a
technical reference base adapted to growers' needs and priorities;
professionalization of growers, growers' associations and support services
for urban and peri-urban Horticulture (UPH); and institutional structuring
of UPH development as well as formulation and expansion of the support
programme for the development of UPH in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
© FAO/Giulio Napolitano
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.