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Second Session of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock
16 July 2024, Video Message by Dr. QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the Second Session of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock, held in hybrid format from 16 to 18 July 2024 at FAO Headquarters in Rome.
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Members of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock,
Dear Colleagues,
1. I am pleased to address you at the opening of this second session of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock.
2. This newly established Sub-Committee is essential in providing comprehensive and cohesive global policy guidance.
3. After a successful inaugural session in March 2022, you are meeting this week to further offer technical assistance to FAO’s work in this sector.
4. Livestock production is a vital component of agrifood systems. It provides essential nutrients alongside enhanced livelihoods and economic opportunities for millions of small-scale farmers and pastoralists around the world.
5. Livestock value chains is one of the most important sources of income, after crop production and non-agricultural employment. The sector creates employment opportunities, especially for women and youth.
6. But the sector also faces complex challenges: animal disease threats, antimicrobial resistance, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, climate change, and unequal access to natural and productive resources.
7. We need to turn these challenges into opportunities. But to do so, we need to first transform global livestock systems.
8. We need to produce more with less environmental impact, less social impact, and more economic return for farmers.
9. For these reasons, FAO developed the Sustainable Livestock Transformation Framework, and I count on the commitment and support of this Sub-Committee to help us translate this Framework into a Global Plan of Actions for all Members.
10. FAO’s work on sustainable livestock production systems is at the interface of the Four Betters embedded in the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31: better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life – leaving no one behind.
11. To help boost sustainable livestock production, last September, we organized the first Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation.
12. And last November, we organized the first Global Forum on Animal Feed and Feed Regulators.
13. Furthermore, in April this year we launched an initiative to Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials on Farms for Sustainable Agrifood Systems (RENOFARM), and I look forward to the participation of all Members in this important initiative.
14. I would also like to invite you to attend the first FAO Global Conference on Animal Health Innovation, Reference Centres and Vaccines from 23 to 25 September this year.
15. As innovation is a key driver for sustainable agrifood systems, the theme of the conference is “Improving animal health for sustainable livestock transformation and One Health implementation”.
16. Dear Colleagues,
17. I take this opportunity to thank the Chairperson, Ambassador Cherniak, and all the members of the Sub-Committee Bureau, for their dedication over the last two years.
18. The success of this Sub-Committee depends on the collective support, active engagement, and contribution of all its members.
19. Let us continue to work together in an efficient, effective and coherent manner.
20. I wish you successful deliberations as you seek to transform livestock production in support of more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable global agrifood systems.
21. Thank you.
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Second Session of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock
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