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Animal ecology
Animal housing
Animal husbandry
Animal physiology - Growth and development
Animal science production and protection
Development economics and policies
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MOZAMBIQUE 1982. Strengthening Veterinary Faculty and Improving Training
BANGLADESH difference between the egg from the improved breed of hen and the deshi hen (local breed).
Senegal. Cucumbers headed to market
Kosovo. Farming activities
Madagascar. Tea production
BANGLADESH Eggs from an improved breed of hen
GCP/AZE/005/TUR - Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
GCP/AZE/005/TUR - Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
GCP/AZE/005/TUR - Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
GCP/AZE/005/TUR - Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
GCP/AZE/005/TUR - Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
GCP/AZE/005/TUR - Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
GCP/AZE/005/TUR - Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
ITALY Large white European pigs well suited for crossing with other breeds
KENYA 2021. Restoration of arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya through bio-enterprise development and other incentives under The Restoration Initiative (TRI)
KENYA 2021. Restoration of arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya through bio-enterprise development and other incentives under The Restoration Initiative (TRI)
Kosovo. Farming activities
KENYA 2021. Restoration of arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya through bio-enterprise development and other incentives under The Restoration Initiative (TRI)
GCP/AZE/005/TUR - Improving livelihood of rural population in Azerbaijan through increased apiculture productivity
KENYA 2021. Restoration of arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya through bio-enterprise development and other incentives under The Restoration Initiative (TRI)
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Senegal. Beehive constructed from bamboo
Beehive constructed with local materials (bamboo shoots). - - TFD TeleFood-funded project - Improvements in Poultry Breeding: TFD-97/SEN/001. The aim of this TeleFood-funded project (approximately US$10 000 invested) is to help local families to increase chicken production and improve the build of the birds by cross-breeding with special breeding roosters. The health of the birds was improved by vaccination and elimination of parasites and an amelioration was made in the diet and habitat of the poultry.
The most needy rural populations who were targeted were well structured and best able to get the most out of the programmed activities. This justified the choice of a women's rural community of Tomoronkoto. These rural communities were supported by a non-governmental organization "Maison familiale rurale" and thus benefited from technical assistance, including the aid of a Vietnamese agronomist.
Activities centred around improving health, feeding and habitat of the poultry by vaccination against Newcastle and other diseases; nourishing with best quality local feed; and improving henhousing and equipment for breeding. (20879-20885).
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