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2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
FAOR Briefing Programme: UN Repositioning, Strategic Partnerships and Resource Mobilization
FAOR Briefing Programme: UN Repositioning, Strategic Partnerships and Resource Mobilization 
International Tea Day 2022: Celebrating tea around the world, from field to cup.
International Tea Day 2022: Celebrating tea around the world, from field to cup. 
FAOR Briefing Programme: UN Repositioning, Strategic Partnerships and Resource Mobilization
FAOR Briefing Programme: UN Repositioning, Strategic Partnerships and Resource Mobilization 
2021. Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day 
17 September 2021, Rome, Italy - Rome-based Agencies Virtual Celebration of the UN SSC day: "Food Systems Transformation and Voices from the Global. (Composite picture from left): Yasmina Bouzaine, Deputy Director, FAO Office of Communication; QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General; Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Anping Ye, Director, Division for South South and Triangular Cooperation, FAO; Ron Hartman, Director, Global Engagement, Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Division, IFAD; David Kaatrud, Director of the Programme Humanitarian and Development Division, WFP; Adel Abdellatif, Director Ad Interim, UNOSSC; Jamie Morrison, Director, Food Systems and Food Safety Division, FAO; Carlos Correa, Executive Director, the South Centre; Bwino Fred Kyakulaga, Minister of State for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (Agriculture), Uganda; Jacob Kurui Chepkwony, Deputy Governor, Baringo County, Kenya; Bommakanti Rajender, India, Chairperson of FAO Committee on Agriculture; Camila Zepeda Lizama, General Director of Global Issues Secretariat for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Foreign Affairs Secretary, Mexico; Patrice Niyongabo, Director - South-South &Triangular Cooperation Centre, Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS); Defu Guang, Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO; David Butler, Director, Sustainable Food Systems Ireland; Redouane Arrach, Director, Directorate of Strategy and Statistics (DSS), Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests, Morocco.
Photo credit must be given: ©FAO
Editorial use only. Copyright ©FAO 
Location Rome
Credit © FAO 
UNFAO Source FAO Photo Library
File size 1.62 MB 
Unique ID UF141ZI 
FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.