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A woman in the Nanyumbu Village feeding chickens corn meal. In the foreground are sheaves of harvested corn.
A woman in the Nanyumbu Village feeding chickens corn meal. To the right are sheaves of harvested corn.
A woman in the Nanyumbu Village feeding chickens corn meal.
Harvested corn in Nanyumbu Village in the Mangochi District.
Children in Nanyumbu Village in the Mangochi District sorting sacks of harvested corn.
A villager walking past a corn field with goods on her head in Mbwadzulu in the Mangochi District.
Villagers walking past a corn field with their goods in Mbwadzulu in the Mangochi District.
A farmer working in his corn field in Mbwadzulu in the Mangochi District.
A farmer working in his corn field in Mbwadzulu in the Mangochi District.
Oxen pulling a cart full of goods in Mbwadzulu in the Mangochi District.
Oxen pulling a cart full of goods in Mbwadzulu in the Mangochi District.
Oxen pulling a cart full of goods in Mbwadzulu in the Mangochi District.
A woman making corn meal in the Mangochi District.
A student of the Namadzizi F.P. School in the Monkey Bay zone of the Mangochi District (a Junior Farmer Field and Life Skills school) learning farming techniques in the school garden.
Students of the Namadzizi F.P. School in the Monkey Bay zone of the Mangochi District (a Junior Farmer Field and Life Skills school) learning farming techniques in the school garden.
A student of the Namadzizi F.P. School in the Monkey Bay zone of the Mangochi District (a Junior Farmer Field and Life Skills school) learning farming techniques in the school garden.
A woman sifting corn in the Mangochi District.
Villagers in the Mangochi District distributing corn from a silo.
Villagers in the Mangochi District distributing corn from a silo.
Villagers in the Mangochi District distributing corn from a silo.
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A woman in the Nanyumbu Village feeding chickens corn meal. In the foreground are sheaves of harvested corn.
FAO project OSRO/RAF/510/SAF - Strengthening Livelihoods through Food and Nutrition Security in Vulnerable SADC Countries. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the reduction of vulnerability and risk of
food and nutrition insecurity through the strengthening of livelihoods of
resource poor households that have suffered from climatic and other natural disasters and/or affected by chronic or debilitating disease like HIV/AIDS among seven most vulnerable countries of SADC namely Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Specifically, the project aims to intensify agricultural production and increase productivity of vulnerable farmer households; enhance livelihood diversification for improved resilience of the vulnerable population; promote
livelihood/vocational and life skills; and establish timely and reliable
information systems and coordination mechanisms for agricultural emergency operations as well as enhancing advocacy for food and nutrition security for the vulnerable population within the region.
© FAO/Eddie Gerald
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.