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INDIA 2003. A group of elderly leprosy society members socializing in a communal area of the community.
INDIA 2003. A mother playing with her child within a family of leprosy society members.
INDIA 2003. Members of the leprosy society hauling away a cart full of garbage.
INDIA 2003. Daily life scenes around the leprosy society.
INDIA 2003. A family of Telefood Project beneficiaries sorting pebbles from grains harvested in the leprosy society farm land.
INDIA 2003. A family preparing a meal together. The refrigerator was bought with extra money earned through the farming and aquaculture Telefood Projects within the leprosy society.
INDIA 2003. A family of Telefood Project beneficiaries sorting pebbles from grains harvested in the leprosy society farm land.
INDIA 2003. A family of Telefood Project beneficiaries sorting pebbles from grains harvested in the leprosy society farm land.
A member of the leprosy society administering medicine to another. The colony, established long ago, now has shops, a school and a government clinic which dispenses free medicine to all lepers within
A woman crippled by leprosy getting around by a hand-pedaled tricycle. The colony, established long ago, now has shops, a government clinic which dispenses free medicine to all lepers within the colon
INDIA 2003. A tractor plough tilling the soil of the farm land used by the leprosy society.
Leprosy society members cultivating the crops on the community farm. Some of the vegetables are eaten within the community and some are sold. Profits from the sale of the vegetables and grains they gr
Leprosy society members cultivating crops on the community farm. Some of the vegetables are eaten within the community and some are sold. Profits from the sale of the vegetables and grains they grow g
A woman crippled by leprosy getting around by a hand-pedaled tricycle. The colony, established long ago, now has shops, a government clinic which dispenses free medicine to all lepers within the colon
INDIA 2003. A tractor plough tilling the soil of the farm land used by the leprosy society.
INDIA 2003. A tractor plough tilling the soil of the farm land used by the leprosy society.
Leprosy society members cultivating crops on the community farm. Some of the vegetables are eaten within the community and some are sold. Profits from the sale of the vegetables and grains they grow g
A family within the leprosy colony watching television together. Electricity was free up until a few years ago. With the extra money earned through the Telefood aquaculture and vegetable farm projects
A family within the leprosy colony watching television together. Electricity was free up until a few years ago. With the extra money earned through the Telefood aquaculture and vegetable farm projects
Leprosy society members cultivating crops on the community farm as a member returns home with an armful of mustard greens. Some of the vegetables and grains are eaten within the community and some are
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INDIA 2003. A young father and a group of elderly leprosy society members socializing in a communal area of the community.
FAO Project - Establishing a composite fish culture farm fresh water at the Government Leprosy Rehabilitation homes in Clusters in Tamilnadu, outside New Delhi - TFD-98/IND/003. Provide inputs, seed material and technical know-how for establishment of a fish farm to improve fish availability for the poor and disabled leprosy patients within the leprosy community.
© Raghu Rai/Magnum Photos for FAO
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.