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SOUTH AFRICA Indigenous goats at the Agricultural Research Council
SOUTH SUDAN 2018 Cow vaccination
Exotic sheep flock at sunset
Pigs in pig sty
India. Agricultural Research Institute
India. Indian Agricultural Research Institute
BANGLADESH Eggs from an improved breed of hen
LEBANON 2008. A farmer with the cow received from a FAO project designed to help farmers recover losses and restart farm production following the 2006 hostilities, Zibiqine village, October 2008.
BANGLADESH difference between the egg from the improved breed of hen and the deshi hen (local breed).
LEBANON 2008. A farmer milking a cow received through a FAO livestock project
LEBANON 2008. A farmer milking a cow received through a FAO livestock project
FAO-EU Project in Ethiopia
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FAO-EU Project in Ethiopia
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SOUTH AFRICA 2008 Indigenous Nguni cows
Agricultural Research Council, Animal Improvement Institute (ARC-AII). Indigenous Nguni cows, a breed that is better suited to survive the weather conditions in South Africa, particularly during periods of drought, than imported European cattle.
© FAO/Jon Spaull
UNFAO Source
FAO Photo Library
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.
Background Information
FAO is working with the Institute to establish a southern African network of research institutes to increase the indigenous breeds of livestock. The center is breeding the cattle to restock Mozambique. - - General: General. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is giving technical assistance to the following three institutes that are part of the South African Agricultural Research Council (ARC):
The ARC-Animal Nutrition and Animal Products Institute (ACR-ANPI) is responsible for research, development and technology transfer in the field of animal feed, food and products. It aims to establish the optimum utilization of feed resources in divergent production systems, irrespective of size, to produce animal products of required quantity and quality in an environmentally friendly, affordable and sustainable manner.
The ARC-Animal Improvement Institute (ARC-AII) is trying to improve through scientific research, evaluation, development and technology transfer, the biological and economic efficiency of animals, thereby enhancing the quality of life of people.
The ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) aims to promote ecologically sound management strategies for pests and plant diseases and to catalogue alien plants and promote the utilization of advantageous organisms to strengthen agricultural production. Natural resources are thus preserved and crop losses caused by insects and plant diseases are alleviated or prevented.