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Students at CATIE learning how to collect germplasm in-vitro.
COSTA RICA 2008. Collecting germplasm in-vitro
Seeds of cowpea
A field genebank of yam
A field genebank of temperate fruits
Banana plant in field genebank
Cacao seeds cultivation
Cacao seeds cultivation
Cacao seeds cultivation
Serbia. Examining seed samples in a test tube
INDONESIA Reproduction rate of predatory insects on rice plants is monitored in plastic tents at IPM research and training site.
ZAMBIA circa 1981.
India. Culture laboratory where tomatoes, maize, potatoes, beans and many types of mustard seeds (Brassicas) are propagated
ZAMBIA circa 1981.
FAO project GCP/GLO/496/USA: Support of Cooperation on Global Rinderpest Post-Eradication, Disease Surveillance and Associated Animal Health Capacity Building.
FAO project GCP/GLO/496/USA: Support of Cooperation on Global Rinderpest Post-Eradication, Disease Surveillance and Associated Animal Health Capacity Building.
HUNGARY 2016. Plant production and horticulture laboratory of the Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office
HUNGARY 2016. Plant production and horticulture laboratory of the Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office
Costa Rica. National Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
HUNGARY 2016. Plant production and horticulture laboratory of the Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office
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Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) pods
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) pods - fruit containing seeds which are recalcitrant in behaviour. They cannot be stored for more than a few weeks. Therefore cocoa is conserved in field genebanks which are themselves problematic. Alternative methods of genetic co - - The Role of Biotechnology in the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resource. Environmental conservation, the conservation of the Earth's biodiversity and the often
conflicting demands of agricultural development present challenges to all of the players in the conservation movement.
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© FAO/Lyndsey Withers
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.