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Cotton (plant)
Crop husbandry
Fibre crops
Hands at work
Plant physiology - Growth and development
Plant physiology - Reproduction
Plant protection
Seed production and processing
Seeds (Plant part)
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Brazil. Irrigation project
Brazil. Irrigation project
Brazil. Irrigation project
Brazil. Irrigation project
Brazil. Irrigation project
Brazil. Irrigation project
Brazil. Irrigation project
BRAZIL 1970. Mogiana Agricultural Diversification Scheme
BRAZIL 1970. Mogiana agricultural diversification scheme
BOLIVIA 1987. Raising Food Crop Production through Adequate Use of Fertilizer
Trade and Markets (EST)
Harvesting cotton.
Integrated Pest Management for Cotton in Asia
Cotton ready for harvest in the field.
Cotton plans ready for harvest.
A Farmer Field School (FFS) in a cotton field inspecting a seed pod and the insects therein.
Women hand-picking cotton in a field. The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Farmer Field School (FFS) efforts also serve to protect workers from overexposure to harmful pesticides since it is at th
Trade and Markets (EST)
Trade and Markets (EST)
Trade and Markets (EST)
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Cotton in hand
Cotton collecting centre where cotton is separated from the seeds before being compressed and stored. - - Technical Assistance to the Upper and Middle Sao Francisco Irrigation Project: FAO/UTF/BRA/026/BRA. The Sao Francisco Va11ey is located in the north-east part of Brazi1 and occupies an area of 64 mi11ion ha. Its agricu1tura1 potentia1 has been estimated at 3 million ha. of irrigable land and 27.3 million ha. for dry1and crops. The region has potentia1 energy of 13.7 mi11ion Kw. The UN Food and Agricu1ture Organization (FAO) is providing technical assistance to CODEVASF - Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Vale do Sao Francisco - in agricutura development, deve1opment p1anning and water resource economics. It is a1so providing expert services in hydraulic works, geotechnics, design, operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage networks and pumping stations.
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© FAO/Alberto Conti
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FAO. Editorial use only. Photo credit must be given.